Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wedding Weekend

This weekend my sister, Kerri (the mother of my nieces) and her boyfriend, Mike, finally tied the knot. They got married Friday, and we had the reception at my mom's on Saturday. It was a blast! Cecilia and Sophia had a sitter for the evening, and she brought them after the dinner hour to dance and hang for a little while. I saw them come in, so I gravitated in their direction, like I always do, and Cecilia ran over and jumped in my arms. She was tired, but she let me dance with her. She kept playing with my hair (it was up in a clip), and she took out one of my earrings. I took her out front at one point, and we sat in the yard, then she wanted to roll down the hill (my mom's front yard is on a little hill). So, we rolled. One roll too many, Cecilia knocked her head on the sidewalk. She still decided to go another time, but before she rolled, she said, "Weesa [that's me], watch my head when I roll." Ha.
Sophia danced with me a little bit, but she was very concerned with Mommy and Daddy and a little tired, so she wasn't entirely entertaining.

Late that night, my other sister Kelly (mom-to-be due on August 15th), fell down, right on her belly. She seemed okay, but, naturally, she was a little upset. She's had a difficult time with this pregnancy. Through her tests, she learned that she has a very common kidney disease, which is treatable, but she has to be watched carefully. She has had some significant swelling as well. Last week, the doctor told her that she was on bed rest, so she was trying hard to do as little as possible. After she went home from the reception, around 2:30 a.m., she started bleeding, so she and her boyfriend (who she lives with) went to the hospital. I didn't find this out until Sunday. I was at my cousin's house, and when I called my mom, she was taking Kelly food. She was there overnight, but she's been given the green light, so she's home now. The baby's heart rate is good, but she's only about 5lbs/14 oz, so they want to wait a little bit longer, if they can, and Kelly's feeling fine. Just bored. Poor kid. She'll have this kid soon, I don't think they'll let her wait full-term.

So, Sunday, after I stopped in to the hospital to visit with Kelly, I went over to Ma's to see if there was anything to clean up, or eat...teehee. There was plenty to eat. So, since we were all recovering, we just did little stuff, ate, chatted, sat under the tent, you know, putzing. Kerri came over with Little Miss Sophia. She was so freakin cute. We still had the dance floor up, and she was just running across it, smiling, and screaming. She was being super-cute. She took out her ponytail, handed it to me, then bent her head in my direction, asking me to put it back in. When I did, she looked up, smiled real big, and said, "Ouch."

Sophia and Emmy

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