Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Finally 2008!

Okay, this is also a kind of catch-up blog, but from here on in, everything will be current. :)

January 31, 2008, Sophia Louise had her 1st birthday! It was a blast. Sophia almost has a little bit of a suspicious personality. Like, she's not sure at first, then once she has assessed the situation, she's good. There were a lot of kids at her party. It was border-line ridiculous. She wasn't sure at first, but when it came time for cake, she was good to go!
Sophia is always happy when there's food around--my girl can eat!!!

This was taken on May 18, 2008 (my brother Josh's red velvet birthday cake--I think she liked it).

Cecilia's 3rd birthday was May 26 (May tenty-ticks, as she says). She had her first "friend party" which was the cutest thing ever.

My girls are growing up fast. Cecilia says something new every time I see her (at least once a week). She once told my that my "tickle feels wike a wadybug." The greatest thing ever. One day I accidentally scratched her when I was tickling her, and she looked at my nails and said, "I had cwippers at my howse, you come today, I cut dem for you." I felt like I was at the nail salon.

Sophia isn't saying much but "Daddy" "Momma" and "Arf" (Yup, she "arfs" instead of "woofs" when she hears dogs.) She, like Cecilia, loves to be outside. They'd much rather be running around in the yard--rain or shine.

She was so excited because she could hear the rain on her hat! Ha!

My assessment: Cecilia is the New Princess. She doesn't like icky things (getting her to catch fireflies was a bit of a process, but now she's hooked). She hates having her feet dirty and her hands, yet every picture I have of her has something on her face. I guess that doesn't bother her because she can't see it. She has a great imagination (thanks to Dora the Explorer). She loves to dance (especially outside). She'll say, "Tum 'on, wets go dance outside." She likes to pretend she's a ballerina. Now that she's 3, she's pretty whiny, but she's good for me (and that's really what matters). We're buddies.

Sophia: She is a tough cookie. She laughs when she falls. If she cries, you know it's serious. Otherwise, she's wipes her hands and giggles, getting back to whatever she was doing. She's difficult because once you know her, she's warm and gives big hugs, but sometimes it's like she doesn't want to open up. She's not too crazy about dogs (even though she "arfs," I think she likes them at a distance). My mom has a 125 lbs chocolate lab, Tucker, and Cecilia will sit on him, ride him like a horse, pull his face, poor Tucker gets a beating from that kid. Sophia, however, understands that he's there, but she doesn't really associate with him. She doesn't even pet him. She just tries to steer clear. His tail is lethal, and I think Sophia got smacked one too many times, and now she's done. Last week, she finally realized that she could give him the food that fell on the floor. She would pick up the scrap off the floor, walk over to Tucker (sitting smack-dab in the middle of the kitchen floor), she would stand two feet away, and toss the scrap. Then, she got scared when he jumped up quickly to catch it. She jumped a little, then smiled, and came running over to me as her base. Pretty funny.

Okay, I think the catch-up is complete.

Here we go!

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